Obsessed knitting geek, mother, and science teacher - not necessarily in that order

Friday, June 27, 2008

Reasons to smile today:

1. Last day of school - whoohooo!!! Long, lazy days of summer knitting and spinning here I come!!

2. Tomorrow is my birthday and we are going to the Olds Fiber Festival where my dear hubby is going to buy me my first spinning wheel, and I am going to indulge in fiber, fiber and more fiber...oh and yarn too...

3. Next week two of my LYS's will be having sales!!! Yes, I feel it is a sign that since this will be during my "birthday week" I should be given free reign to spoil myself!

4. Happy, happy mail day. Received my long coveted Lexie Barnes Flo in my absolute FAVORITE LB print, and two new spinning books from Amazon:

My new LB bag inspired me to take a picture of my LB collection:
Yes it is an addiction but it makes me HAPPY :)

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