Obsessed knitting geek, mother, and science teacher - not necessarily in that order

Friday, June 20, 2008

Spinning Frenzy!!!

So I went to my Beginner Spinning class last Saturday at Make1 Yarn Studio and it was awesome. Amy Swenson was the instructor - she was super nice and easy going, very encouraging despite any spinning mishaps. Let's just say my attempt at Andean plying left me in a bit of a tangled mess, but still look what lovely product resulted:

And here have been my other attempts this week:

So I am totally hooked on spinning now and since next weekend is my birthday and coincidentally it falls on the exact same day we are going to Olds Fiber Week - my hubby is getting me a wheel!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it!! At the top of my list are a Lendrum or a Schacht Ladybug. I am hoping to try a bunch of different wheels out before making my final decision.

In knitting news, Mr. Greenjeans is hibernating. I need to rip out the one sleeve I completed because it is way huge. I am going to finish the button band first so I can see how the sweater sits on my shoulders. I am hoping this will give me a better idea for sleeve length - I want a 3/4 length and right now it is hard to guesstimate where that will be because I can't tell exactly where the sweater will close yet.

I also started my June socks - there are the Spring Forward pattern from the latest summer Knitty. Chose a spring-y colorway - STR in Calico. So far loving the pattern and how the colors are working up.

I swung by Pam's Wooly Shoppe yesterday to check out their selection of wheels (they carry Lendrum and Ashford) but the lady working did not know anything about spinning sadly. Still I was able to pick up a couple of practice rovings and best of all my long-lusted for sock blockers. There are unfinished and not fancy but less than ten bucks!! And I can easily sand and stain them myself. Here they are showing off my latest sock WIP:
Here is a cool sock project needle-keep I got off etsy from marelle:

It's very sturdy and perfect for keeping my DPNs safe from breakage or dropped stitches.

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